Christening Traditions

Baptism is probably the second most important family holiday. Godparents are chosen from the closest circle of friends and relatives shortly after the child is born. Cypriots believe that exactly after his/her Baptism the child is assigned a Guardian Angel, who will protect him/her for the rest of his/her life.

Although this is a time of celebration, proper etiquette is essential to honor the sacrament. Whether you are the host family or the guest of a baptism, christening, or dedication of the child to God, you should know that this is an important day that should be treated with proper respect.

In the Orthodox religion, the baptism takes place 40 days after the birth of the child. Being purified by water suggests the elimination of sins. It is performed by a priest, in the church, and the ritual includes three parts: firstly, the godparents say the creed, then they light three candles in front of the font (as a symbol of...

It is believed that the child will be similar to his godparents in character. It is also believed that the godparent's behaviour can affect the child's life.

Madeira Island as well as Portugal are mainly Catholic. The Christening ceremony used to take place on the early months of the baby's life. Nowadays, some children are baptized when they are several years old. Parents choose the Godparents from the family members or close friends. This was a very important decision because the Godparents would...

Baptisms are extremely important in the Spanish culture. Baptism typically follows Catholic rites. A Catholic baptism is a serious and well thought-out event for those of Spanish descent. Before the baptism, Catholic parents select sponsors or Godparents for their infant. These Godparents or sponsors are required to take classes. Godparents take an...

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